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Are bedbugs just found in beds?

Where are these “bed bugs” found?  If you’re saying that these pests are only found in beds, this is not very true. As the name indicates, bedbugs can indeed be found in beds, but they can also screw up other areas of the home.  Also, these tiny insects are very smart and can hide in…

Where are these “bed bugs” found? 

If you’re saying that these pests are only found in beds, this is not very true. As the name indicates, bedbugs can indeed be found in beds, but they can also screw up other areas of the home. 

Also, these tiny insects are very smart and can hide in cracks and crevices, making it difficult to completely eradicate them. To completely keep bedbugs out of your sight, it is important to take a comprehensive approach. How? Let’s see some simple tips to eliminate bed bugs. 

  • wash bedding and clothing in hot water
  • vacuum thoroughly, and 
  • use insecticides specifically designed for bed bug elimination.
  • Using mattress encasements and inspecting and cleaning your living space regularly can also help prevent future bedbug infestations.

If the bed bug infestation is out of your control, then seek professional pest control services to ensure a thorough eradication. By following these steps, you can effectively get rid of bedbugs in your home.


Are bed bugs attracted only to beds?

Although bed bugs are usually seen in beds and mattresses, they can also be found in furniture, upholstery, curtains, and even electrical outlets. They sustain well in warm climates and carbon dioxide, which is why they tend to bite humans during the night when we are sleeping. 

How dangerous are bed bugs?

Even if bed bugs can’t fly, they may move swiftly over floors, walls, and ceilings.

Also, don’t underestimate the tiny size of bed bugs, because these smart and tough bugs reproduce quickly within the blink of an eye. 

Furthermore, these crooked pests know where to hide to avoid detection and can go months without eating.

It is no surprise that these tiny bloodsuckers can cause havoc in your home. It is therefore preferable to get rid of them as soon as possible before they spread itchy, red welts across your body.

Signs of a Bed Bug Infestation

  • Feces in the form of small reddish-brown spots on mattresses, upholstery, or walls. 
  • Itchy bite marks on arms and legs.
  • tiny blood stains on bedsheets or pillowcases.
  • molt skins, eggs, empty eggshells, or even the bugs themselves. 
  • An offensive musty locker room odor 
  • excrement. 

Do not forget to check the seams in the wood framing and remove the dust cover from the bottom of the box springs.

Furthermore, check the area around the bed, including any books, radios, or telephones, the carpet’s edge, and even electrical outlets.

Check your closet as well, because bedbugs can attach to clothing.

Contact a seasoned bed bug exterminator for advice if you are unsure of the telltale signs of bedbugs; they will know what to look for.

Pestokill Kicks Bed Bugs Out of Your Home

Do you know that bedbugs are the hardest bug to eradicate? 

That is why it is advised to seek the help of a professional when dealing with bed bug infestations since bed bugs are hard creatures. Therefore, do not delay in contacting a qualified professional to handle the situation if you suspect or discover an infestation.

Pestokill, the best pest control agency in the UAE,  handles bedbug infestations very well.  Hiring a reputable and efficient exterminator, such as the Pestokill pest control agency in the UAE, is the best way to get rid of bed bugs.  Comparatively speaking, Pestokill offers the best bed bug management service.

After assessing the extent of your bed bug infestation, our expert bedbug management team develops a well-structured plan.

Furthermore, our pest control methods are environmentally friendly and effective in removing all bugs and restoring the peace and tranquility of your home.

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