How to get rid of cockroaches at home

How to Get Rid of Cockroaches in Your Home

Cockroaches are not the funniest things to ignore!  Having a cockroach-ridden home is one of the challenges that we face today.  It is a surprising fact that there are over 4,000 species of cockroaches in the world, inhabiting a vast array of climates, but their basic needs are the same. Cockroaches usually prefer damp, moist,…

Cockroaches are not the funniest things to ignore! 

Having a cockroach-ridden home is one of the challenges that we face today. 

It is a surprising fact that there are over 4,000 species of cockroaches in the world, inhabiting a vast array of climates, but their basic needs are the same.

Cockroaches usually prefer damp, moist, dark, narrow, and untidy places to start their infestations. They can also carry bacteria, fungus, and viruses that may cause many diseases, like allergic asthma, dysentery, giardiasis, and polio.

If anyone has ever been infuriated by cockroaches in their life, there’s only one place to go and you are already here. Here, in this article, we’ll provide simple yet effective ways to blow roaches out of the water for a better hygiene life and everything you need to know about your various options.

Ready? Let’s dive in.

How to Get Rid of Cockroaches in Your Home

Beware of these roaches…

  • The American Cockroach: This is one of the most common and longest-lived roach species in the U.S. with a lifespan of about two years. 

These roaches are also known as the “sewer roach” or “palmetto bugs.” They usually appear brown or reddish-brown with light yellow edges around their bodies.

  • The German Cockroach: Like the American, the German cockroach is also widely seen in U.S. homes. These can breed so rapidly that each egg case can produce 20–40 baby roaches. This causes infestations to spread easily. 

Unlike other cockroaches, the German cockroach, however, tends to be light-brown with two dark, parallel stripes that run down the body from the head to the wings.

  • The Brown-banded Roaches: The Brown-banded roaches’ habitat is commonly found inside walls or electronics like televisions or refrigerators. Unlike other roaches, they love warm and dry areas. 

They are smaller in size, with a length of 0.5″, and appear dark brown. Moreover, light yellow bands are present in both males and females on their wings and abdomens.

  • The Oriental Cockroach: Oriental cockroach, also known as the waterbug (as they live in damp areas) or black cockroaches (as their bodies are mostly dark), is a large species of cockroach that has a glossy body. Oriental cockroaches tend to travel at a snail’s pace. 

Also known as “waterbugs,” Oriental cockroaches prefer dark, moist places. They are also seen around decaying organic matter and in sewers, drains, damp basements, porches, and other damp locations.

  • The Smokybrown Cockroach: As the name indicates, smoky brown cockroaches are recognizable with their uniformly light to dark brown–mahogany coloration. This one is also a scavenger as it feeds on many different types of foods including dry earthworms, pet food, pet waste such as feces and urine, paper, and many types of ripe fruits.

The above-mentioned cockroaches are the ones that spread serious, life-threatening diseases. If your house is found infested with any of these cockroaches, never hesitate to call a professional cockroach control service.

Some Naked Truths about Roaches

Cockroaches have often marked their presence in places with poor sanitation procedures, and they are known to carry several bacteria that could give rise to serious illnesses in humans. 

They may also cause allergies and asthma symptoms in susceptible people. Cockroaches are not only a serious sanitary concern for humans but may also play a role in the transmission of some worms and diseases to other animals when they are ingested.

The body structure and habits of cockroaches help them potentially transmit pathogens. Cockroaches eat both fecal matter and fresh food intended for immediate human consumption. 

In doing so, humans can become prone to potentially dangerous pathogens through contaminated surfaces and food products. 

As cockroaches are omnivores, they do not feed exclusively on one food source but will scavenge for a variety of foods.

Since cockroaches usually feed on human excreta and dust particles, their bodies are contaminated with bacteria, which is then transferred to other surfaces they encounter as they move about. This may result in wound infections, food poisoning, and gastric upset.

Here’s a list of organisms known to be carried by cockroaches:

Salmonella typhi causes typhoid.

Entamoeba histolytica causes amoebiasis.

Shigella dysenteriae causes dysentery and

poliomyelitis virus, responsible for polio.

Other deadly species known to be carried are Proteus spp, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermalis, Streptococcus faecali, and Escherichia coli.

Where are roaches commonly found?

Cockroaches find hidden narrow spaces in bathrooms, shelves, wardrobes, kitchens, and storerooms as their best places to live. Finding roaches in the kitchen is a common sight, and we often fail to kick them out.

How do I get rid of cockroaches naturally?

Mother Nature is our great doctor. She has solutions to all our problems. But we are not aware of that.

Let’s know the following 2 best natural remedies that work like a charm.

  • Ward off cockroaches with lemon, the natural roach repellent.

Lemon acts as a natural disinfectant. It makes our mouths water, but it will also send roaches packing. The smell of lemons, specifically, dissuades roaches. Squeeze a full lemon into the water you use to mop your floors, shelves, and countertops. Although the scent won’t be detectable to people, it’s a repellent to cockroaches.

  • Use peppermint oil and say goodbye to cockroaches forever.

Peppermint oil is one of the simplest and best natural pest repellents. Just mix 10 drops of peppermint oil with 250 ml of water and spray it all over your kitchen, especially in source areas like the sink, cabinet, and kitchen counter.

And you’ll be fine!

Repeat the process for better results.

How do you control roaches inside your home? 4 Simple Tips

# 1. Clean your home

  • Wash all the dirty kitchen appliances immediately after use. 
  • Clear up all waste and spillage.
  • Empty sources of standing water, including water bowls. 
  • Clean up the garbage daily, especially before going to bed at night. 
  • Vacuum regularly.

# 2. Eliminate food sources

  • Remove standing water from buckets and sinks.
  • Remove leftover food sitting on tables, kitchen counters, and desks. 
  • Store food items such as cereals and pet food in airtight containers. 
  • Rinse and remove cans, bottles, and plastic containers before disposal.
  • Empty bins daily.

#3. Remove excess clutter

  • Recycle or declutter old newspapers, used cardboard boxes, packaging, and magazines.

#4. Maintenance

  • Switch to plastic or metal shelves instead of wooden ones.
  • Install door sweeps to block gaps under doors.
  • Check for any gaps around windows, and around holes used for gas, plumbing, electric lines, and crawl space vents.
  • Seal the cracks or crevices with caulk or sprayable foam.
  • Seal all the possible entrances that provide roaches with an easy way in like walls, skirting boards, electrical sockets, under kitchen sinks, and bathroom cabinets.

When do we hire a Pest Management Professional?

Roaches usually hide in hidden dark areas of your home and come out when you are sleeping. Some courageous roaches are rarely seen in the morning. 

So, if you find these pests running around during the day, it’s a signal that they’ve been forced out of their hiding spots, and a few others are still hiding.

Additionally, when you notice a strong, musty smell or droppings around your kitchen, it indicates a cockroach infestation.

You can test the above 4 steps and observe them for about one week. If the symptoms still persist, it’s time to contact a professional roach management team like Pestokill for the best results.

Only a professional pest exterminator team knows how to locate and eradicate roach infestations safely and effectively without putting your kids, pets, or household at risk.

How does Pestokill get rid of heavy roach infestations?

If you are tired of using home remedies to avoid cockroach infestation, why not seek the help of Pestokill’s pest control expert? Pestokill is a popular name on the list of the best pest control services

Our expert pest control team takes several precautionary steps to steer clear of roach issues.

Let’s see what those are:

  • As a first step, we inspect your home to find anything fishy, for example, any cockroach nests.
  • Evaluate how long the infestation will last.
  • Take sudden action if you have any pets or children in your home.
  • A well-personalized cockroach treatment plan is designed.
  • Identifies which treatment combination will work best for your situation.
  • Implement the plan according to a customized schedule as soon as possible.
  • Offers cockroach prevention advice and schedules regular inspections.

You will get peace of mind after hiring a Pestokill specialist to treat a roach infestation. We have a proven and effective treatment to get rid of cockroaches and provide an ongoing solution to cockroach control.

Our Services and Benefits

  • Customer-friendly pest control service
  • Emergency services
  • Expert technicians
  • Regular inspections
  • Guaranteed and long-lasting results.
  • Professional advice on prevention
  • Fast roach killing mechanism
  • Use of modern pest control techniques
  • Safe and nature-friendly treatment
  • Convenient treatment times
  • 24/7 customer service team

Choose Pestokill if you need a personalized cockroach extermination plan that can help you forget about your cockroach problem. 

Contact us for a free inspection today!


  • How do I know the signs of a cockroach infestation?

A cockroach infestation can be identified if you notice a strong musty smell or droppings in kitchens and bathrooms. Also, if you find any smeared marks or molted skin cockroach eggs, it is a signal that cockroaches are there.

  • Where are cockroaches usually found?

Cockroaches usually find homes in dark, moist, dark, and untidy places. They are commonly seen in kitchens, bathrooms, or wardrobes.

  • How many types of cockroaches are there?

There are four species of cockroaches found in India:

German cockroach

American cockroach

The brown-banded cockroach

Oriental cockroach

  • Can cockroaches fly?

This usually depends upon species and gender. Most common household species are unable to fly; for example, German cockroaches cannot fly.

  • How can I control cockroach infestation?

The best way to keep cockroaches away is to deny them easy access to food, water, and shelter, which are the main factors that tempt them into your home.

  • Are cockroaches harmful?

Yes. Cockroaches are the carriers of many life-threatening pathogens. They may transmit typhoid, cholera, or even plague.

  • How do I get rid of cockroaches forever?

There are plenty of natural home remedies to get rid of cockroaches. However, they may last only for a few days. If you want to reduce the risk of re-infestation, a professional cockroach control service is the last option left behind.

  • Where can I find the best cockroach control service?

Pestokill pest control service is the best agency that provides reliable and effective roach control treatments. This agency always adheres to the law of nature. That means Pestokill offers only nature-friendly treatment.

  • What are the treatments for cockroaches?

It is better to permanently eliminate the chances of further roach infestation. For that purpose, you can try methods such as gel baiting, residual spraying, and monitoring.

  • Does a cockroach bite humans?

Yes, it is possible when you are asleep. It very rarely happens when a cockroach bites someone who is awake.

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