
How helpful is a pest control agency to get rid of fruit flies?

Have you ever experienced a fruit fly attack? Experienced ones will find it more disturbing, which may get on their nerves. Usually, the summer months attract these pesky pests into your home. Fruit flies are commonly found on moist foods like overripe fruit and vegetables. If you go to your kitchen, you can see those…

Have you ever experienced a fruit fly attack? Experienced ones will find it more disturbing, which may get on their nerves. Usually, the summer months attract these pesky pests into your home.

Fruit flies are commonly found on moist foods like overripe fruit and vegetables. If you go to your kitchen, you can see those fruit flies buzzing in front of your face.

Compared to ants and mosquitoes, fruit flies are a little pesky. Also, fruit flies have high reproductive abilities. According to the study by a famous pest control company, fruit flies need only a short span of time to lay hundreds of eggs.

And those eggs hatch into larvae or maggots within 24 to 30 hours. So fast, huh? Luckily, there are infinite ways to get fruit flies out of your sight.

What is the fastest way to get rid of fruit flies?

Get a proper pest control treatment twice a year if your home is swarming with fruit flies. This is usually considered the fastest way to get rid of fruit flies permanently.

Book an immediate appointment with your nearby professional pest control company.

What makes fruit fly attractants work?

Generally, Fruit flies love to lick ripe, rotting, or decayed fruit items and produce, as well as fermented goods like beer, liquor, and wine. They also make their presence known around trash cans and garbage disposals if enough food is present. In short, fruit flies are attracted to fermenting fruits and vegetables and thrive on high-fructose substances.

How do fruit flies multiply?

The eggs of female fruit flies can be seen on the surface of or inside overripe, rotting, or decaying fruit. And it is an eyebrow-raising fact that a female fruit fly can lay up to 500 eggs at a time. So it is urgent to take precautionary action as soon as you see the very first fruit fly.

How do they enter?

If you have a garden area near your kitchen, fruit flies will find it an easy entrance. They also enter your home through open doors or windows if they sense a food source. As the name implies, fruit flies are attracted to and eat rotting food, especially fruits and vegetables, as well as fermenting liquids like beer, liquor, and wine. So, wherever these items are, fruit flies will surely find a lovely spot.

Never ignore a fruit fly infestation

Like house flies, fruit flies are also nuisance pests. Fruit flies cause contamination of food with harmful bacteria and disease-causing pathogens. Therefore, it’s essential to understand how to get rid of fruit flies if you suspect an infestation.

How to control fruit flies?

To carry out fruit fly extermination, the first step is the elimination of their feeding and breeding grounds. If you are suspicious of a fruit fly infestation in your kitchen, immediately dispose of all over-ripe or decaying fruits and vegetables.

To prevent and get rid of fruit flies, try these simple and effective steps: 

  • Ensure that all windows and doors are sealed properly to prevent fruit flies from entering the home.
  • Daily wipe counters and empty trash cans.
  • Do not accumulate food waste. Clean drain lines and garbage disposals frequently.
  • Store fruits and other sugary items in airtight containers or refrigerators.
  • Thoroughly check any fruits or vegetables that you brought into the home.
  • Seek the service of a licensed pest control professional if you suspect a fruit fly infestation.

Pestokill is the people’s choice and a trusted pest control agency that is entrusted to give us 100 % pest removal treatment with zero side effects. There is no other fastest way to get rid of fruit flies like this.

So do not pose the question “what is the fastest way to get rid of fruit flies?” again. Now you got the answer for your question, right?

Live a healthy lifestyle without any fruit flies with Pestokill, the customer-friendly pest control agency.

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